GEO ROAD CHEM chemical additive for FDR technology
GEO ROAD CHEM ( GRC ) : A Sustainable Chemical Additive
GRC is a chemical additive engineered using industrial by products like Fly ash , slag , silicate in combination with a mixture of bi- polymers which results in improving the properties of soils such as strength ,texture , workability and plasticity. We at KGM Technology Pvt Ltd have been researching and studying this additive for the past 3 years to understand its behavior through different weather and site conditions to create a product which will be best suitable for Indian roads. We have also been working with IIT Roorkee to enhance the additive and test its efficacy through different soil types and weather conditions.
GRC is completely safe for Human use and the environment making it a green solution .
GRC additive is an economical solution for the contractors as it is completely manufactured in our factory utilising many industrial by products available in abundance .
The GRC additive has been tested under various weather conditions and has performed very well under with minimum maintenance requirement for the contractor which makes it the ideal choice especially in the FDR technology
GRC additive provides high strength and improves the surface to lower cracks, deformations , water saturations etc and can be used for various types of stabilsation technologies like CTSB , FDR , CTB etc.
Our team of experts are thorough professionals who have been working in the industry for a long period of time under the guidance of our senior mentors in order to provide our clients the best possible solutions .